Frank Sinatra - The Lady Is A Tramp ft. Ella Fitzgerald

Special Thanks to FrankSinatraVEVO on Youtube link

("The Lady is a Tramp" by Richard Rodgers & Lorenz Hart, 1937)

Here are two of the undisputed giants of 20th century music--

arguably the most consequential pop music artists of their time.

There is a sense of mutual love & respect, of wanting to be

"on one's game." And of course, these pros ARE. Romping

& riffing on the Rodgers & Hart classic, Frank & Ella show us

mere mortals how it's done. The TV special,

"Frank Sinatra: A Man and His Music + Ella + Jobim"

aired on Nov. 13, 1967.

Posted to YouTube by FrankSinatra VEVO on 29 February 2016